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Startup Mentor training program (Startup Mentor)
In order to meet the needs of organizations and individuals that have one of the necessary conditions to request a competent authority to issue a license to use X-ray equipment and irradiation equipment, Can Tho City Science and Technology Information Center under Can Tho City Department of Science and Technology coordinated with Hanoi Irradiation Center to organize the training class "Radiation Safety" from May 8-9, 2024, at the Center's Hall.

Ms. Le Nguyen Trung Khanh - Deputy Director of Can Tho City Science and Technology Information Center gave the opening speech.

The program is organized with the purpose of supporting, orienting as well as sharing with leaders and staffs of units that organize startup activities; Advisors and lecturers from Universities/Colleges; Training experts as well as entrepreneurs along with the presence of leading startup experts in this field.

Overview of trainning program

The training program takes place with the following contents: Overview of basic concepts, context (start-up, academics, creating impact, business, and etc.), applications, mentoring benefits for individuals/organizations of attendees; Analyze and sketch portraits of the mentor (adviser) and mentee (mentee) to understand the expectations, roles, responsibilities of each party and shape the style and method of mentoring;

Lecturer: Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuong Linh, Deputy Director of Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry - Can Tho branch (VCCI Can Tho).

Foundational skills in mentoring: active listening, feedback and advice; Building relationships (working principles, building trust, etc.); Design mentoring programs in different environments: individual; organization; enterprises; Building a mentoring roadmap: stages of mentoring, how to evaluate effectiveness, practical experiences when mentoring, conditions to join the National Innovation Startup Advisory Council.


At the end of the program, learners are awarded a certificate of completion of the training course to acknowledge the student's efforts and commitment during the learning process.

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