» Today: 27/07/2024
New Invention
Ngo Duc Thang, Pham Thanh Trung have successfully invented a steel cutting - welding machine based on water, the machine priciple is quite simple but it is highly effective and environmentally friendly.
A rice noodle making machine can ease labor-cost, and reduce time to make rice noodles, created by Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, a mechanic worker in Hoai Nhon, Binh Dinh.
Three boys are Le Tu Hieu, Phan Ngoc Diep and Nguyen Huu Vinh (Former students of Da Nang Polytechnic University), created a smart mirror that can measure height, weight, heart rate, play music, forecast weather, read messages and release bluetooth.
The three students, Le Duc Thong, To Hoang Khang, Nguyen Thanh Luan at Le Huu Trac secondary school, invented an alcohol distiller which can make CAN wine (wine is drunk out of a jar through pipes) with coffee flavor.
The first prize of the innovative science competition for nationwide high school pupils in 2015 was honored, suddenly happy for 2 mountainous pupils in Hoa Binh province.
Many farmers from Binh Minh, Vinh Thuan, Kien Giang Province, developed an irrigation machine which allows farmers to water their fields. The machine was re-invented from existed lawn mowers.
New technology helps create extremely tiny fingerprints on every banknote and bank card, making them almost impossible to be counterfeited.
By triggering graphene to fold itself into a three-dimensional box, researchers have demonstrated a new and incredibly efficient method of hydrogen storage.
Mr. Tu Sang, a farmer of ward I, city of Vi Thanh, Hau Giang province has developed a rice sowing machine for three months. This is the first generation of rice sowing machine which he invented.
A smart toothbrush (26/02/2014)
The first smart toothbrush in the world allow users to improve their oral health, released consumers on February 24 at the annual exhibition of the mobile device where took place in Barcelona city (Spain).
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